
Oui! Pastor Anderson- now in French!

A good work always brings blessings…..



There’s been that many things going on behind the scenes lately that I thought I better put up a post to keep track of things, before they began to overwhelm me. Straight off the bat- check this out- Pastor Anderson in French. The lady who did the work for this video actually speaks Russian, French and English- this is her website here. Thanks Stella!
Not one to shirk a challenge, Pastor Anderson has begun work on recording the Israel Moments in not only English, but Spanish and also German.
Pastor Roger Jimenez has posted up a Spanish plan of salvation, so anyone who has Spanish family and friends, spread the word, and share this video.

Man alive…if nothing else, this proves that even if you’re a zillion miles away from Tempe, if you are thankful for the preaching of His Word out there in Arizona…

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Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;  the whole earth is full of His glory! At the sound of their voices the doorposts and threshold shook and the temple was filled with smoke. (Isaiah 6:3-4)
Holy ONE in the Heavens 
Who else is like you? 
Who can take your place? 
None on earth or in the heavens 
You reign in all your splendor 
Your amazing beauty shines  upon us
Where You sit no eye can look 
For You are brighter than the sun 
What a wonderful thing to know You 
Having You as my Father is the best gift 
You are Wonderful, Powerful, Faithful 
You are my God, the Lord God YAH
(MEG 17/Juin 2014)